Verifying a Domain with Google

Using Google’s Search Console requires verifying that you own a domain. Before starting, check the DNS settings for your domain. If you use our name servers, we can help with verifying a domain. If you use other name servers, you should contact your web host and/or DNS provider to check what methods of verification they support.

These steps will work if you use our name servers:

  1. Log into your Google account
  2. Go to
  3. Select Domain as the property type
  4. Enter the domain without www. in the front, and click Continue
  5. Google will display some text that starts with google-site-verification= and is followed by a string of characters. Copy that text.
  6. Log into our Domain Name Management System
  7. Click the domain to update
  8. Click Domain Address Settings
  9. If Custom DNS is already on for your domain, you can skip this step.
    If you are turning on Custom DNS, read the warning, read it, agree to the Terms of Service, and click Enable
  10. Click Add New Record
  11. Select TXT from the Add New Record menu
  12. Enter @ as the host name and paste the text from Google into the text field
  13. Click Add Record
  14. Go back to Google and click Verify