What is WHOIS Privacy?

All customers, except owners of .us domain names, are automatically given privacy protection based on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This hides all personal information from WHOIS. The Contact’s Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Street Address, City, and Postal Code are not displayed in WHOIS.

  • If a contact has an Organization set, that will be displayed in WHOIS
  • The State or Province will be displayed in WHOIS
  • The Country will be displayed in WHOIS

If a customer opts out of GDPR protections, the Contact’s Name and Organization will be displayed in WHOIS. The customer can opt to hide the Email Address, Phone Number, and/or Postal Address using WHOIS Privacy. The information can be hidden or shown on individual domains.

Unlike many registrars, we do not charge anything for GDPR protection for people who reside outside of the European Union, and we do not charge anything for WHOIS Privacy.

Postal Address Privacy

When Postal Address Privacy is selected, we list one of our postal address:

Your Name
Your Organization (if an organization is set)
 c/o PairDomains.com Whois Privacy
2403 Sidney Street, Suite 210
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

Please Note: Postal Address Privacy is not available on .us or .uk domains. The .us registry forbids Postal Address Privacy services. The .uk registry does not display contact information in WHOIS, so the service is not necessary.

Phone Privacy

When Phone Privacy is selected, we list one of our telephone numbers for the number:


When somebody calls that number, a message is played instructing the caller to contact the domain owner via email.

Please Note: Phone Privacy is not available on .us or .uk domains. The .us registry forbids Phone Privacy services. The .uk registry does not display contact information in WHOIS, so the service is not necessary.

Email Privacy

When Email Privacy is selected, your contact email address will be replaced by 12 random characters characters@example.com, where “example.com” is one of four rotating Pair Domains registered domains. These email addresses will change every seven days. Each random email address will still work for three days after a new email address has been posted. Email sent to the randomly generated email addresses will be forwarded to the real email address that is listed in the Domain Name Management System. You will still receive email and cut down on junk email sent to your contact email addresses.

Please Note: Email Privacy is not available for .uk domains. The .uk registry does not display contact information in WHOIS, so the service is not necessary.

.uk Privacy

The .uk registry does not display contact information in WHOIS. Because of this, Privacy is not needed for .uk domains.

.us Privacy

The .us registry does not allow WHOIS Privacy services. Because of this, the Name, Organization, Postal Address, and Phone Number are displayed in WHOIS. Our Email Privacy service can be used because the address listed in WHOIS is still a valid email address.